Review Vaccination Confusion and lack of covid protocols at Kensington Clicks Dbn north

Vaccination Confusion and lack of covid protocols at Kensington Clicks Dbn north
The past two days 21-22July were the most frustrating but also extremely terrifying for me and am sure many others.Contacting this branch and getting information with regards to vaccination process at first seemed comforting,however what transpired when actually arriving (day 1)at the store was totally unacceptable. As expected one would arrive early well ahead of the store opening,in order to get into the queue.once staff from clicks arrived,customers were provided with conflicting sets of information from various staff.At this point in time social distancing was not even in place and staff from Clicks made absolutely no attempt to ensure all protocols were in place.None the less forms were issued to those of us that came to do a booking for the next day.Day 2..confusion again..No social distancing, in fact customers demanded this and the response was 'all of you are are adults' well so much for following an instruction by govt that the responsibility is that of the business to ensure covid protocols . Further,pensioners awaiting vaccinations were not treated as they ought to in respect of priority as well as comfort.

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