Review Dischem's new system to exclude women who are over 100kg from family planning program

Dischem's new system to exclude women who are over 100kg from family planning program
I am honestly so disappointed in your new system of excluding women who weight over 100kg to be excluded from your family planning program, we are told to seek medical advice from a gynecologist. What is the real reason for this new exclusion that nurse cant explain to us? For someone who is across the country to make a choice of whether you get injected or not, while you have a qualified nurse infont of you (who in effect has previously advice you on your lifestyle) is not only disappointing but also insulting to the professional nurses you employ. The system fails in human contact, also to release our different backgrounds, look I am not against seeing a Gynae in actual fact I value them but do you know how much it is for a consultation or how long it take to get an appointment with one in a public hospital? The previous system worked as the nurses made a judgement on each person's case not to through a blanket to every situation. Dischem you are serving people with different needs in you clinics

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