Review of OUTSURANCE - HEAD OFFICE Contact Details, Address

Took my vehicle to be assesed today at cmc panelshop by an outsurance asseror...
He took pics of the damage and proceeded toget price for repairs on vehicle...
And then....
He told me i am gonna forfeit my outbonus if i proceed with the claim...?
We as customers pay you a lot of money for insurance but YOU want to tell us when where and what...
I AM THE CLIENT PAYING YOU FOR SERVICE and without us YOU would not exist...
How low can you go to steer clients from claiming by telling them they loose their outbonus if they proceed with the claim...
The out bonus is more than R10 000 so take a moment and work out how much i paid to earn that bonus...
Why don't you say okay we will pay your excess as you paid is a shitload of money in premiums but no YOU only care about the money and not clients as your adverts claim on tv...
I am going to have my car fixed and then YOU can go and do what YOU want to as i will end my policy with YOU...

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