Reviews of Nike South Africa Head Office, Contact Details - Johannesburg

Here you will find reviews about Nike South Africa Head Office, Contact Details. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
74 Reviews
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Only intended to buy one pair of shoes at your waterfront store. Bought 2 pairs due to the excellent service ! Congrats!
bought a nike air about a month ago. slipped over 4 times with it already, why is this happening? this shouldnt be so. maybe send someone to pick up the shoe and do an investigation. went to the doctors already sought medical attention, i hurt my hip. please before someone gets seriously injured
Hi today I write this review with a sad face a few months back I bought a pair of Nike Air Red and black in colour wore it as always. Have to mention I am a big Nike fan and have worn your shoes for the last 20 Years have been loyal and not worn anything else.

I bought the pair and after 5 months the front lip started peeling off and when I went back to the retailer he said sorry cant replace. I paid R1400 for these shoes and had to toss the shoes in my wardrobe as they are no use to me. I Run one of the bigger stadiums in the eastern cape and do a bit of walking in my job but have now had to change my brand as I cannot afford to lose that money every 5 or 6 months. It is disappointing that after using this brand for so many years I've had to change my brand but it is what it is. With no difference in what I've done the previous years the lip of the sneakers peeled right off I still have the shoe if you would like me to send pictures please contact me on my email.

Kind regards

Zoliswa who works at the Wood mead outlet.. had the knowledge of the correct shoes to buy.It was a pleasure working with her.
Hi Nike my name is Jo-marie Burckard i live in Bethlehem in the Freestate. I just want to say thank you fir your great products. I own only one pair and had it now for 5 years i use it daily because to medical problens i can only wear tekkies. Your shoes are my pride and joy even if they need n little tlc by now. They never gave burning feet or any of those problems that cheaper shoes gave me. I only could afford it once but pray and know they will last many more years. Thank you

Same experience here - bought a pair of nike airs in the nike store in Chile - they got holes in the front within 2 months.. 4 months later the read inner heel is giving me blisters because the plastic thing is sticking out (totally worn away).

I ONLY wear these, i don not jog and weigh 80kg / 6.2 ft tall - previous nikes lasted years, and i paid almost $100 for these!!

Def going to look for a refund!


I bought a pair of Nikes less than 1 year ago - running shoes in order to "run" with. I am very disappointed as the shoe was hurting me from the start, having absolutely no support on the sides of the foot. I thought to myself, maybe I should run with them for a while and it will get better,but how wrong was I? The shoe doesn't offer any support, my feet fall to the the side with every step...NO support in the heel , and the top part of the shoe falls over the sole.

Can you please take these back??? Where can I return them? A refund will be great, as I never had problems with Adidas in the past.

Thank you.
I am very disappointed in the shoes that I bought a year ago. I have been buying Nike shoes forever. This is the first pair of shoes that doesn't last more then a 3-4 years. The shoes started to tear in the front. I barely wear them and never use them for any activities. Imagine I used them for jogging I would haver had to get new shoes after 6 months. I only use the shoes for work and when I say work I mean sitting in a office the whole day. The high quality sport shoes are declining in quality although the pricing is very expensive. I there for request that the shoes be replaced. I will have to resort to social media should I not get any feedback. Please contact me via email
Highly dissapointed in nike ive always trusted this brand and now i cant ever wear a sportsbra this is so sad that i pay almost R400 for it and it looks like this after only 2 weeks this is not how i trust nike but looks like im done with this brand

Good day Quentin

With reference to our conversation we had today, I would like to reiterate my experience I've had with Studio88 N1 city.  I bought a pair of nike roche from the N1 city store on the 5 December 2015.  I bought the takkies for my son whom is 14 for Christmas and the reason why im mentioning this just to stress the fact that he hasnt over worn it as its for xmas, it has been worn twice.   When I took it back to the store I was told that they need to refer it back to Nike and it can take it up to two weeks.  I mean really, though its your brand, I as the consumer had no dealings with you, they even said I can look up your number and call Nike myself.  The level of customer service is non existent, this is the people you trust with you brand.  And though I know you can't regulate how they treat their customers, its definitely something you need to look into.   Some people might associate this with the brand, and its just my opinion one consumer lost is just one too many.  I also just want to add im not trying to be unreasonable, I understand the concept of wear and tear and processes but this takkies is not even 3 weeks old, there is no way even if you wear the takkies everyday for 3 weeks it can break within a month.  I feel the way that Ebrahim handled this matter, lack of interest, no compassion is just horrendous.   He did not even bother to return Quentins call whom is a representative of Nike, blatantly shows he has no regard.   Its sad to see that the consumer experience and satisfaction is no longer a priority, the very people that builds these large brands.

Extremely unhappy customer.

Ashanti Levendal

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