My Reviews

Review for:
All Livestock Trade Pty Lttd

SCAMMERS ALERT!!!: All Livestock Trade Pty
This is not a legit business, the farm doesn’t exist. The only thing that they want is to try and trick you to make a payment saying that is the only way that they are going to issue you a permit to access their farm. If you insist that you want to see the animals first , they will give you excuses and later stop answering your phone. I went to the address they provided on their website there is no farm there, its all a scam. I went to the local police station in the area when I showed the police the address they indicated that there are two cases opened against that company for fraud, people deposited money when they get to the address to collect the livestock, there’s no such farm in the area. On the phone they sound as if it’s a white afrikaner guy, don’t be fooled he’s faking the accent, the fnb account they wanted me to deposit the money on it belongs to Ndabeni Johannes! Don’t make any deposit, even if they send you WhatsApp pictures of the livestock it’s all a scam, they are wanted criminals!!!

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