Review of Skysat digital satellites

If you need any work to do with CCTV, DSTV etc. NEVER EVER hire these people from SkySat Digitals Satellites. They are bunch of dishonesty people, they are big liars. To make matters worse they are clueless on how to install cameras. Not only that, they steal and lie a lot.

I hired these guys to install 3 CCTV cameras. My invoice was signed by John and Rodney. They did a pathetic job. Within a month one of doing the job, one of the cameras was now hanging on one screw and almost falling down. These guys can’t do something as simple as screwing a camera to a wall. Not only that; of the 3 cameras that they installed, only one is working. The rest are dead, not working, not showing on the monitor. When they did the job I was there but when they finished I had left. So they took advantage of my absence and then did a shoddy job. In fact I paid them for nothing because I have to hire to someone else to do a proper job.
If it was ONLY a case of being clueless able to their job I would forgive them because it takes time to learn the job and do it well. However these guys are a bunch of thieves and they are dishonesty. They charged me R425 for connecting outside viewing, which they never did. Because I was away they took advantage of that and took the R425 without doing the job for that money. So they basically stole my R425, because they took the money for a job that they didn’t do, this is pure theft. Like I said earlier they finished the job after i had left my house to catch a flight. I wrote an email to Keith, Denzil to recover the money. In addition I spoke to someone called Shaun. Shaun told me to call Rodney because he is the one who had been given the money to deposit in my account. I called Rodney more than 20 times, each time he would tell me that he would deposit the money that day but he never did. He continued to lie to me each time I called him, at the end he was no longer picking my calls or he would cut the calls. It has been a month now from the day the job was done but up to now i haven’t recovered that money which they stole from me.

They did not only steal my money, but they also took my screw driver which they borrowed when they were doing the job. It took more than 3 weeks for me to eventually recover my screw driver.


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