Review of Jet A Pet

Review for:
Jet A Pet

No words to describe such bad service. Just stay away from them - it's a nightmare from hell dealing with these people. With pets being so dear to our hearts - let's just say that these people are heartless and cruel and have no clue what they are doing. Animal abuse at it's worst. And then no apology - just defensive, lying and unfounded accusations.
i would say everyone have their own opinions in life about companies and their services and according to our records we dont even know karen smith and have no records about her or assisted her in any way. I hope this will clear this bad comment
Hi Donovan,

Unfortunately I also have to say - THE WORST service ever and this coming from a south african, says a lot.

I also don't even have words to describe the uselessness I had to deal with. And all I wanted to do was to buy a crate. SUPER SUPER bad service. So upset. Already warning people to rather go somewhere else. Would advise to send people on training or something.
I also can testify to appalling service and defensive lying with absolutely no apology for insisting that I bring the dogs at precisely 7.00am when it was the wrong gate that needed security to enter and there was no rep waiting for us. Jetapets had threatened that if we were later than 7.00am the airline would not accept the dogs into cargo. The cargo depot didn't even open until 8.30am and the dogs would have been left in their crates for over 4 hours before boarding if I had not been with them. When the rep did show up , it was obvious how distressed I was and yet she was cavalier and heartless and bleated on about how she had been delayed. She did not even have my number in her phone. These sisters are very rude people and as I became more and more upset, the one sister threatened to abandon us at cargo and not fulfil her obligations and give me a full refund. I I was in a position of begging her to continue with the check in as I was booked on the same flight. These people don't give a damn and they are way past their sell by date. The 2 sisters who run it should retire and not inflict themselves on poor, stressed out pet owners who are worried sick about sending their pets in cargo.
They have absolutely no consideration for the pets or the customer.
sue first of all where did your animals go to which destination and do u actually have their names who u were dealing with
Sue please advise the names of the 2 sisters who assisted you and also where did your animals travel to according to our records we havent even assisted you and their is no sisters in our company working together. I think you have the wrong people who you critisize Also no one could make their own rules its all airline regulations for hand in times if you late they close the flights and reject the shipments.

I actually want to send you a review of what our clients saying about our services.

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