Review of Die Salon

Review for:
Die Salon

I just had the most pathetic service i had in a long time from the lady i spoke to about argabeta oil!!!!! first she told me that the spray is EXACTLY the SAME as the oil which i had to ask the supplier if it is and it is NOT! then i asked her if she can order me one because the supplier told me that you can order me one and it can be there to morrow...i had to listen to loooooong stories about why she cannot order me one...i eventually just hang up...she cannot even understand afrikaans...she did not know what the word "onbehulpsaam" means. Surely if you have a business in the sanlam building you should be able to assist people in afrikaans and english???? She sounded unhelpful and rude! I phoned the supplier again and they told me to phone pzazz because they are very helpful which i did and were they HELPFUL INDEED!!!! she does not have stock but is going to order me one and she will let me know tomorrow....that lady should at least try to sound helpful if she does not feel like working! have a wonderful day!

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