Greetings to all teachers in kim-kgolo primary school, i woild like 2say thank u to all the teachers who made me a better person today that i'am.

i'm now attending school in tetlanyo and i'm in grade8, i dont know how to thank u for all the thanks giving that you teacher gave me.

One day when i'm working i would like to donate R100,000 fo the school that made me a better person today..

I started to attend school in kim-kgolo primary school in 2011 in grade6 in teacher mosikare's class and in 2012 i was in grade7 in teacher manaka's class,and i would like to say thank you very much to sir dikgetsi who thought me mathematics becouse when i started attending s chool in kim-kgolo my mathematics was very poor and m.r dikgetsi boosted me up.

I wish i could do something good for the school that could make the school the number1 school in the world.

Yours sincely
from:molale molale

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