Review Bad service

Review for:

Bad service
Good morning,

I’m not happy with the call I received from your store today.
I was at your store to collect my medication and I asked if all was good at the till before leaving your store.
Was informed that all was sorted and good.

I was called and informed that all my items was not paid for.
Asked what the meds where and what they were use for as I did not recognise the name.
It was not listed on my script.

The caller could not tell me what the meds where for and I insisted that someone calls me that knew.

I did mention that I am not having a good day as my blood pressure and heart rate was way down.
She did not take this to heart and kept on pestering me.
I told her my blood pressure is getting worse and I’m getting more frustrated with her as she had no idea about the meds.
I told her that she is putting my health at risk and put the phone down.

I was not at home at the time of the call and could not check on the meds received.
Once home I was able to see the meds in question as it was a alternative given and thus I did not recognise it.

Not happy with the way Dis-chem handled this and will let social media and my medical know about it.

Kind regards

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