Questions & Answers for African Vision Secondary School - Durban

Here you will find questions & answers for African Vision Secondary School. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
I have done my matric in 2009 and i wish to re-write it so is possible and how much.
Afternoon.when the registration close
Morning , when is the closing date for matric rewriters for 2017?
I dd my matric 2006,is possible fr me to re-do my hole matric with you guys.
Is the African vision a registered school or not?
I would like to rewrite my matric and attend classes there is it possible? I did my matric in 2009 and I failed 3 subjects which is mathematics, physics and information technology. How much are the fees?
When was African vision established and is it a safe school to enroll at and how did you manange to make students and write in june
I would like to know if z there a possibility DAT I can do 4 subjects and ryt my exam on march or june?

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