Reviews of St Elmo's Pizza Franchise Co:Tokai

Here you will find reviews about St Elmo's Pizza Franchise Co:Tokai. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
1 Review
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On the 29 November i bought a Dobio deal from your shop.Whay i recieved was i tasteless pizza with lots of greenpepper and red pepper with a few small pieces of chicken on it.more suace and peppers then anything els.After calling and being told several times i will get called.Eventially someone.called me to apoligize but also to tell me i had to.bring the pizza back.Now i dont know how good of a idea it ia to dribe up and down during a power outage to return a pizza thay had to be prepared correctly the first time.And being told by staff this is not the only time this happened but happens when certain staff work.Wow was i shocked.So even if i pay the full price for my pizza as anyome.els i run the risk of getting a raw staff are giving less portiins on the pizza.Is thia a way of saving cost.I didnt want a refund or another pizza when i went back the 1st Dec to inform the staff,but after the crap after service i think thats what i deserve.My nr is ********,and my name is Kenneth.Your staff most probarbly threw my name/number away as i was informed this is what they do by your own staff.