Reviews of Frikkies Painting - Roodepoort

Here you will find reviews about Frikkies Painting. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
2 Reviews
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Frikkie is beyond Rude
I am very unhappy with their work. I live in a complex so did not have much choice in the matter. Would not recommend them to anyone. Frikkie drops the call in your ear and you are unable to get hold of him to tell him your grievances.
Long story short they came back to fix the mess only to create another and burnt my fibre line. When trying to call Frikkie to advise him on this, he does not answer.

I would never use them in my personal capacity ever.
I suggest you think twice before using them.

Frikkies Painting. What a joke. He takes your money quickly and that 10 yr gaurentee for waterproofing he gives is worth nothing more than toilet paper. Be very, very, very careful of Frikkie. Our roof leaks terribly with very, very expensive rubber on it. Be very careful of the paint he uses as well. He uses cheap 20l on special no name roof paint. He mixes any colour you ask for and tells you it is special paint he uses. I phoned the company spoke to the owner. She assured me if it says roof paint, it is then roof paint. He paints that crap inside your home as well. I took photo's of this so called fabulous paint he uses. I was able to stop that before it bagan in my home.
Please be very, very careful of Frikkie. He has now blocked my husbands number. What a horrible, dishonest man.
Please rather google registered painters, waterproofing companies since Frikkie is NOT REGISTERED. This will be the best story you will ever read in your life. If you take this advice today, I have saved you thousands of your hard earned cash.

Thank you.....
I would like to respond to this unhappy client.

First i must mention that this client did not pay a sent for the job and that her brother in law who tried to help her because he is a very good man paid for everything. The client could not even buy her own paint for the garage and wanted me to get the money that she paid for that also from her brother in law.

Secondly the client never got any quote from me and it was between me and her brother in law, and what i quote for i did. Strange that her brother in law gave me a another two big jobs after this job, so if was not happy i am sure he would have not give me any other work again.

Thirdly the client must have been very happy i was prepared to paint her house inside with Roof paint which is nearly double the price of inside paint. Because the client wanted all kind of different colours and we used 20l and put into smaller tisn because of the coloring she came with the storey that i want to paint her house with "Roof " paint inside. I painted houses with Roof paint inside when a client wants it and i can assure you that paint last forever inside but unfortunately it comes with a price that not everyone can afford.

Lastly about the so called Roof that leaks is a Steel Structure that was firstly put up by a builder or maybe the owner himself and he fit a box gutter at the end that does not have a flow. I tried to rectify this problem by fitting more outlets but the slope of the gutter is to much and the whole gutter needs to be reinstalled which i did not quote for. Furthermore the sink on the roof during winter time makes some condensation and water drops keep dripping on the ceiling that was nailed on the structure of the roof. I opened everything and asked the client to let it dry out where i bought material that prevents condensation. I even bought new ceiling boards and cornises and send my team over there to try and solve the problem only to get to the house and the client already put back everything without me get chance to fix it. He also tampered with the waterproofing on top and therefore i cant guarantee it anymore.

The client keeps on sending me ugly messages and phone at unreasonable hours and therefore i blocked his number.

I also took up the matter with his brother which said to me that everybody try to help them but that is their behaviour and that he is satisfied with what i did and that i did what i quoted for.

Its really bad that one person can make up a story and try to destroy your business. At least i know that there are hundreds of customers out there that know the quality of my work and still give me work on a regular basis.


Yes my brother inlaw did pay. The garage paint my husband paid and that was between my husband and Frikkie. Why? Because Frikkie sent that watered down cheap roof paint for the garage and the old man called my husband to show him. So I was not involved, so now people you can see he is a liar. He cannot even tell the public that simple little story as it happened. The paint he mixed was matt roof paint and my brother inlaw told him to mix the paint we asked for. This Frikkie attacked me in my own home about the paint. His own workers were shocked. The old man that supervises had to stand between me and Frikkie. Frikkie does not mention his waterproofing. That must be my fault too. I say again. He is not registered. My own father inlaw did not use Frikkie after all this was revealed. My father inaw got other people to paint his home. My father inlaw tried phoning Frikkie about this and Frikkie even disrespects my father inaw. He forgot that story from his story. Frikkie however yes did get paid in full because frkkie told my brother inlaw he had fixed the problem. At brother inaw now knows he never. So please people please do not beleve me, check his products. Double check his paints. Double check the colours he mixes. None of the colours I gave him matches anything. He is that spiteful. Please I say again, just check him. All the time. He can write just what he wants, but the proof is in his work. My roof leaks and I have a 10 year gaurentee. I am busy putting a new roof now. If Frikkie was so sharp, he would have known you cannot rubberise IBR. The professionals that have come out have been laughing. The rubber has pulled lose. Frikkie just wanted my brother inlaws money because he is so wealthy. So please people be very very careful.