Questions & Answers for Yardley Of London - Johannesburg

Here you will find questions & answers for Yardley Of London. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
Hi. Do you still get enigma yardley body spray? I cant find anywhere
Good day

Is the serendepity purfume still sold overseas? It got discontinued a few years back and I still want to use it?
Good day i am trying to purchase Chique perfume for women can u help and what is the cost please
Do you still make Tramp deodarant, and where can I shop for it
Why did Yardley discontinue Serendipity? Please bring it back.
Is Yardley Conffeti perfume been discontinued? If not,where in SA can a purchase it
Looking for Tramp body spray. Been using it for 26 years and now it's disappeared off the shelves.
Has this product been discontinued?
Has Tramp Body Spray been discontinued in South Africa?
I've been using it for about 27 years now and can't find anything else that comes close to it.
I see that enigma deoderant are out of stock at clicks and also dischem. Will I be able to order online. That is the only deoderant I am using and I love it. How can I order it online?
I have only used Yardley serendipity fragrance and don't find it in any South African Stores. Apparently it has been discontinued. Please could you advise if I could order from you direct?
Good morning I only use the fragrance Yardley Serendipity and can't find it in any stotes. Please can you advise me where to get it.
I emailed you some time ago about a big problem I have with your face powder. You replied that you would be coming back to me soon but I have heard nothing further. The powder leaves permanent stains on collars (I use very little). I've wrecked a favourite and expensive blouse trying to clean it off. Please help.
Hi where can I find yardley ESP parfume body lotion.? Have not seen it for ages!!
Please advise where I can buy the blush colour Sherry Sparkle? I have tried all over Durban but have no success. Many thanks.

yardley oatmeal spot clear range is it for teenagers? I am 33 and was purchasing and the lady advised that its for teenagers and should not use it on my skin .please advise.
Please would you
Consider bringing back onto the market Panache in a wand. This is so handy for keeping in a small handbag and I know of at least 3 other folk who have expressed the same request. We are the slightly older generation and Panache is still the best fragrance on the market.
Hi , is the body spray CASABLANCA by Yardley still on the market in SA ?
I've been looking for it since forever please advise
I am struggling to find Yardley CC foundation at the usual outlets. Has this product been discontinued?

Hi I recently purchased a super moist lipstick but had an allergic reaction where my lips became almost scaly. Surely your products are tested before being marketed?

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