Questions & Answers for Aquadene Secondary School - Richards Bay

Here you will find questions & answers for Aquadene Secondary School. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
How much is school fees for 2019 for grade 9 learner
How much is the school fees?
When can i come and get a form for grade 8 2019?and how much is a school fees pa?
How much is the school fees annually
When can I come and get the application form
Hy i would like to come to your school but the problem is that i cant pay the full 2500 rand so iwas wondering if you can allow me to pay a little bit of it untill december then it will reach the full amount of school fees
How much is the school fees and is it allowed to pay the money every month untill it reaches the full amount of school fees
Does your school have boarding facilities and how much is the school fees pa for grade 8?

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