Reviews of Computer Wholesalers SA - Johannesburg

Here you will find reviews about Computer Wholesalers SA. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
2 Reviews
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I have been using this company for a year now. I can maybe live with a wholesaler who often doesn't have stock, who takes weeks to process your order, and a website/email host who are down every now and then, but these guys top them all!

Service is horrifically terrible! They don't answer to emails or calls. If you are very lucky, they might reply with some stupid excuse for something. They host our website and emails as well. Those have been down for days now, robbing me of all my business, and they refuse to answer me when I inquire about this.

I would never recommend them (if they even exist anymore), don't be fooled by these "skelms"
Terrible company.
Watch out, they'll rob you blind.

I paid for products.
They told me there is no stock
For three weeks.
They made no plans to refund.
They delivered no products.
They do not answer their email or their telephone.
Telephone line was later disconnected.
Finally they claim that the "economic climate" is to blame and they are keeping the money.
I get nothing.

Etienne Pienaar
Sonika Prins
Charmaine Jordaan
Andre Jordaan

All of them suspected fraudsters.
Watch out.
Etienne Pienaar
Last Known address 10 Aldergrove ave, ,Kempton Park
Last Known Phone number ********


Charmaine Jordaan.
Charmaine Jordaan
Andre Jordaan
Sonika Prins

Good Day to all that has posted on this site regarding Etienne Pienaar (Computer Wholesalers SA Limited)

Myself and my wife has not been working for this company since 2015 and 2016 therefore I am writing this post:

Andre Jordaan and Charmaine Jordaan (Myself and my wife) has evidence regarding this and we are eager to show you our evidence, which is in the form of an outsourcing contract and a retrenchment letter.

I have not touched the phone or sales1 since the signing if the contract and Charmaine left with a voluntary retrenchment which she has not gotten paid (In a nice way she quit due to what was happening)

We have asked Etienne numerous times to remove us but to no avail and will end up in criminal charges against him personally as we cannot find work yet alone start a business.

He owes me and Charmaine R******** for not paying the contract and salaries.

She has also lost a flat that was left to her by her late father(a police detective) and lost her vehicle due to this.

We will not see that money and the assets are now gone!!!!

Cases have been open but we ourselves are "under investigation" unfortunately the incriminating posts against me and Charmaine is blocking us from doing so, we have failed to do our part due to our supposed involvement and I have now lost my income (Job) because of it.

If you would like any info, Myself and Charmaine are willing to help and also provide you with the evidence mentioned in this post to exonerate our names

My mail is, mail me and I will try to help as much as I possibly can.

I have tried to phone some people but get sworn at. This in an understandable reaction however please refrain from doing so in the mails sent to me, as I'm trying to establish trust with all of you and maybe I can even try to resolve some of the issues pertaining to this company and even solutions.

With regards to the police case:

Please remove our names (Andre Jordaan, Charmaine Jordaan and Sonika ) as we will be able to provide you with the information you need, which in this case will undoubtedly show you that we where not involved,

As for Sonika, she left in 2014 already and don't think she knows of the posts even!!

Please don't hesitate to mail me and Charmaine on the mail provided as we will be as transparent as any of you would be if you where in our position.

We do have a company that I'm trying to start up, but due to the incriminating posts in this thread people don't trust me and fear that my wife, daughter and myself might end up on the street due to some of the lies that is being spread across the net and we weren't even involved!!!

Please if someone can contact me!!

I will also make my phone number available (via email) and the police is welcome to come and visit me as I've been dealing with two fine detectives in pmb to try and sort this out. They advised me to get everyone together and to let you all know on this site that we were not involved.

Please also have a look at myBroadband as I will post there this exact message too and hope I can attach my evidence so you can see for yourselves without contacting me and my wife, as it must be quite frustrating for you.

With kind regards and transparent truth

Andre and Charmaine Jordaan