Questions & Answers for Trim-Tech - Nelspruit

Here you will find questions & answers for Trim-Tech. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
Hi what is the price of a switch cable
I am looking for the assembly head for a Trimtech 900W 300mm Weed Eater , its like looking for a needle in a haystack !!!!! where can I possibly buy one and what is the cost involved ?
Where canI get trimtech weedeater spares in capetown
Weed eater spares where I can find it here in capetown?

Good day

I am looking for the assembly head for a Trimtech 650W Weed Eater , its like looking for a needle in a haystack !!!!! where can I possibly buy one and what is the cost involved ?

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