Questions & Answers for Dept Of Labour - Prospecton

Here you will find questions & answers for Dept Of Labour. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
Good afternoon. I would to find out about the time frame or a waiting period to get uif payment after signing UI2.1p form? the reason being my ex colleagues got paid before me while I went before them to claim but they went to town.and I sent emails but I do not get clear response.all I neede to know was the waiting period and to find out if my application was realy approved seeing my colleagues got paid.I know I am just venting here no one will respond
Good morning I would like to know about my application of uif I applied it last month the message u sent to me it says u would contact me between 35 days I like to know that my application is pending or processing
How can i get coid letter at department of labour?
Last week Friday prospecton office were it open now?
I registered for unemployment benefits on the 5th October and still waiting for payment. When will I receive my first payment???
When is the payment for UI19 is gonna be paid as I applied for it last month early?
Good day I applied on the 2nd of June for my UIF as I was retrenched and still haven't receieved a cent,when will I get paid out?
When do you guys open the office since there was a corona case
I was there atsphingo onThursday bt the office was close so when did we open?
When I would receive my payment, I signed on 12 June 2020?
Goodmorning i was working for Mina nawe marketing so my contract ended 2019 December , i would like to know if i can get an unemployement letter? And what must i bring with me to apply for it?
Good morning can i get the letter of unemployment as i'm not working anymore?
I went to sign for my uif last week Thursday 07/09/2017 and I'm still waiting for the uif pay out. How long do you have to wait ,after signing?
A 60 year old female ,collects a SASA PENSION ,WORKS aa a part-time cashier; 10 working days in a month. Is she entitled to holiday pay plus severance pay because the business is closing down

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