Questions & Answers for Department Of Labour - Grahamstown

Here you will find questions & answers for Department Of Labour. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
Does a person who has long started receiving pension still legible to claim his UIF if he never claimed it before? If the answer is yes, what must he do?
Please could you forward me registration forms for UIF.
My husband and his partner had a business together in December my husband's partner approached me and asked me to work for the company and he would pay me a salary of R6000 until the company started to make money. On Monday the 09 th of January the two partners had a fall out and they closed the business. The other partner and me had a argument because I said he cant just tell me to go. How do I go about claiming my money from him the partner ?
Our Domestic worker is on UIF, she is 58 years old. She has been diagnosed with severe diabetes and is no longer able to work. Are we able to claim 'medical disability' for her? What are the steps we need to take?
When must I submit my UIF forms for maternity leave?

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