Questions & Answers for M Y O B ACCOUNTING - Sandton

Here you will find questions & answers for M Y O B ACCOUNTING. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
I need the latest version of Myob accounting can you help?
I would like to get the latest MYOB accounting program. Am using the plus 10 accounting for the last 20 years but need to upgrade to newer vertion
I am still using MYOB5 on Wimdows XP. What package can Ireplace it with as it is not printing or running on later versions of Windows?
I am a one-man-show and also long in the tooth and cannot afford expensive software.

Can you assist?
I have been using MYOB for more than 15 years and have never had a problem with the Confirming of my MYOB AccountRight, Standard v19.1

Can you assist me in getting the Confirmation to work again.

Ron Webster

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