Dr Beulah Emelyne Green - Germiston

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Dr Beulah Emelyne Green
Room 1 West Wing Life Roseacres Clinic, Primrose, 1416, Germiston, Gauteng, South Africa
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+27 11 842 7515
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Gynaecologist & Obstetrician


17 Reviews
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Best gynecologist ever!
Had a hysterectomy done by Dr. GREEN. Information was well explained as well as my different options. She respected my choice. She kept me calm in teatre and answered all my post op question patiently. I will recommend her to all my family and friends. Throughout the whole process she made me feel like a person who really mattered and not like a piece of meat, my previous gyne made me feel. Thank you for your hard work and patience, Dr. B. Green. You are an angel sent from above. You are one in a million.
Best gynaecologist in the world ????
I went to go see Dr Beulah E Green ,
It was my first time seeing a gynaecologist and she did not shout at me or lecture me about leaving it so late , instead she made the process so calm and so accommodating and told me before she did anything. She then gave me two options because I had endometriosis I chose surgery because all my other GPS told me “ it’s normal to have bad periods “ and she assured me as a women we know our bodies and it isn’t normal . Dr Green removed the endometriosis and was so comforting before surgery and after . I am so grateful to her for helping me fix my issues and for not being another Dr who just states your period is normal .

Thank you so much for helping me and for treating me and for explaining so nicely what endometriosis is .

God truly created a gem ???? when he brought you into this world ????

Thank you Dr B E Green ????
No Assistance
I understand Dr Green is busy but her office has made no effort to even try help my wife, an existing patient who urgently needs to see a gyne. This is a request from our GP, it is not a self-diagnosis or google diagnosis. Our GP says my wife needs to urgently see her gyne.
Awful awful awful
It's been a month since I saw Dr B Green, and I have yet to receive my invoice. When I called this morning to find out where it is, the woman I spoke to was confused, she apparently could not find me on their system. I paid cash and I still have the receipt I was issued when the receptionist assured me that my invoice would be sent in two weeks. When I asked her why it hasn't been sent in the month since I've been to the doctor, she said that the bookkeeper must have " forgotten" to load me on their system for a invoice to be generated. I don't know about you guys but if I forget to do work I would be fired for incompetence. When I asked her if it would be sent today she got really rude telling me that the book keeper will only be in next Tuesday. She hung up on me and raised her voice like I'm some misbehaving child. So rude.
Very Impressed
When I went to Dr Beulah Green for a check up, to see that all was good to fall pregnant, she gave me the thumbs up. She was chatty & very informative unlike my previous gynae.
I fell pregnant shortly after. We discussed natural birth, etc.
At around 12 weeks I had a bleed, which she termed a "threatened miscarriage", due to a low lying placenta. I was well-informed about the condition. And was advised accordingly. I had several more bleeds thereafter. At that stage she advised I may have to have a c-section, but there was plenty of time for the placenta still to clear & we'd discuss at 28weeks. I had no more bleeds up until the 28week appointment & the placenta had cleared, we agreed to have a natural birth. At 35 weeks my water broke, I still said to my husband it's too early & I'll probably have to a c-section. But when Dr B Green arrived & I asked her, she said it's not necessary unless myself or baby are in distress. Anyway, I was induced, had 4 hours of in tense labour pains, she arrived back to deliver. Baby was born with NEC (a common condition for prem babies) , sent straight to NICU & treated accordingly. In the meantime, Dr B Green instructed hubby what needed to be done, to some she may seem short, but I prefer straight to the point & efficiency, which is exactly how I saw her. I felt she supported me in my decision to have a natural birth, even with all my complications, & baby is all healthy... I plan to have Dr B Green for my next baby too.
Thank you Dr B Green.
Disappointed Grand Dad
Very disappointed Grand Dad. the way she treated my daughter, and spoke to her, was insensitive and outright rude. Not to mention the way she spoke to my wife, the excited GrandaMa to be. I am strongly recommending that my daughter find another Doctor and Hospital to go to. Dr Green spoiled what should have been a precious, treasured, memory where we all got our first glimpse of our treasured baby on the way. Her initial greeting: "Come in, the more the merrier" failed to transition into a pleasant, sensitive and considerate appointment. I cannot comment on what type of Doctor she is, but she showed no compassion and concern for our feeling, only her own.
In October 2016 I had my first born son with Dr B Green, she also seemed very nice - I insisted from day 1 that I met with her that I wanted natural, I do feel that if a doctor does not want to perform natural birth that they should be honest from the start and send us packing to someone whom is willing to. first pregnancy and I was very inexperienced but let me tell you this doctor changed my life and not in a good way - I refused to have a scheduled C-section which she was pushing me for and in actual fact forcing me in to - I went into natural labour , refused any pain relief. My pregnancy was a healthy one, no issues with blood pressure, or any other medical issues, my baby was growing beautifully, and I was flourishing in my pregnancy, it is suppose to be a beautiful experience, calm, and lovely, I was in labour right through the night without a sight of this doctor, the nurses were keeping their eyes on me and my can I say what lovely nurses Roseacres clinic has got, I had the best night shift nurse - absolutely lovely and then even going into the day - Dr Bueller pitched up at her time in the morning, very moody and very unhelpful - she asked me to push waaaay before I needed to and then decided to call an emergency C-section because my babies head was too big- I knew no better, the nurses left me and did not preg me for another hour whilst labour progressed further and suddenly the onset of what felt like a push feeling - by which time I heard Dr Bueller screaming at them to get me in emergency, they gave me my epidural and bam no more pain, did the c-sec but I was right there - I pushed and at the last minute buckled because of pain and fear - sometimes I believe the nurses where looking out for me and tried to give me more time to push but I didn't know what was going on and I had no guidance. A C-section is major surgery at the end of the day and really truly should not be performed unless absolutely necessary. What comes with natural birth is only good for both baby and mom - the post partum was a major one for me, I had gone through so much only to have gone through an emergency C-section at the end because my doctor said so and I know it was uncalled for, it all has to do with money with Dr Green and fitting into her schedule, that is not how child birth should be - you cause damage to people and you change their lives because of decisions you make - its devastating. I will never go back to Dr GReen again although the clinic themselves were lovely and the nurses unit was incredible this women will not see me or ever be referred to by me either. Thank god my little boy is ok because she also put him at risk by not assisting my delivery to her full extent, we put our trust in these people and they only care for themselves after all. Honest opinion if you ever have to go through surgery etc because she suggests it get a second opinion because this one is all about making money. At least I still have all my parts and we are alive but never remove anything or take her word for it!!!Best advise i can give about this doctor. If ever the nurses read this Id just like to say Thank you, i wish i could remember your names so i could thank you for what you did for me
I have been with Dr BE Green from the get go in 2013 she Delivered my Son Creedon and i had a great experience with her. my Second Pregnancy (2015) was not so great the Scans was never explained ( probably think we should know by now). The accounts department was never there to supply us with statements to claim back from the medical aid. We had to wait for such a long time after making a booking. i remember making a book for 10:00 in the morning i waited for 2 hours before seeing her and she was in the office. I now went for my 6 week check up. firstly she was fully booked what i understand but if my 6 week is so important than should they not make space for it. I only got a booking a few months later after i had to go in to make the booking. The receptionist and Dr Green Mom was sitting there. i asked them what is the cost to see her now as it is a few months after my 6 weeks. they both said no charge i asked again are you sure her Mom said yes no charge. but to find out later i was hit with a bill of over a R1000. I called the accounts department and she said it doesn't matter what they said i will pay. Two days later i get a reminder regarding account saying i owe R 7000 odd. i was fuming at this point called the accounts department again. She was adamant it was for me and said i had just had a baby when my baby was already 10 months old and my Medical aid paid the account in full she called me am hour later laughing saying sorry it is another patient after being really rude regarding this matter. The most disappointing thing about this is DR Green has not even sent a email not a call to apologize for this mistake but her rude Accounts lady cant even get her accounts under control. Dr Green was there for me my Sisters and her father brought us in to this world. a person should think she would want to keep her Clients. clearly only the money matters not the well being of her Patients.
I fell pregnant in August 2011 and being on Discovery Keycare, only certain hospitals, drs etc can be chosen.Due to this being a first time experience and pregnancy we were recommended by friends to see Dr Green at Roseacres. Firstly when we went,we had to pay cash for the visits and claim back from the medical aid, it took about 4 - 6 weeks for us to receive statements to send through to medical aids but anyway we saw her the first time at 20 weeks, she then decided that i am to have a papsmear done which at the time i didnt realise it was dangerous so i agreed. Luckily nothing went wrong thereafter. She then does the scans but it is all done so quickly, you don't actually know what you are looking at. When asked if she can show us what is on screen, we get an answer "oh i don't know why you can't make it out" and that was it.
Then i was advised to do the down syndrome blood test which my husband and I had decided against as we feel that it is still our child regardless. When we told her this, she continued to lecture us like school children and advised that it should be done (I was 25 years old and no history in either family) and if comes positive we are to think of long term consequences etc. When we still stuck by our decision she made us complete and sign some document to confirm that should the baby be born down syndrome we are not to hold her liable... i couldn't believe it.
I also advised her that i wanted a natural birth but with epidural only to be told that Roseacres do not offer epidurals... WHAT??????
Needless to say I never went back to her, changed to Dr Bilankulu and she was excellent, professional and so understanding.
Dr Green couldn't be bothered to phone then to find out where her patient was...
I can relate.When I was admitted and the nurses realised she didn't prescribe any meds for me they gave her a call and she yelled at the nurses saying that she needs to rest and that she had a busy day (not sure what she was implying by that) but that means she didn't care and she told the nurse that phoned her that it's not an emergency she will attend to me tomorrow.That time I was in pain and there was some blood in my urinary.

I don't understand how that is not an emergency for a pregnant woman .

She then came to see me the following day and she told me that she is not gonna entertain minnor issues.

When I tried to ask her questions she also tried to lecture me and told me to think about what she said (she even pointed her finger towards her head/brain while saying this ) like I'm stupid.

She spoke to me like a child.
We lost our baby and she didn't even show any genuine sympathy.

I also changed to Dr Bilankulu , apparently she is amazing.
Dr.B Green walked a path with us from the start. We struggle to fall pregnant so decided to go to her. She explained everything from the start and send my husband for a semen analysis straight away..I had a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy done..she found stage 1 endo and cleared ir all out. She explained the procedure well and asked more than once if I had any questions. 2 days later I had a follow up where she was happy with the outcome. Unfortunately due to my husband's situation she had to refer us. She came across very professional and very caring. I am glad that I walked a path with her.
I was happy with Dr Green during my pregnancy, I had booked my c-section for November 2014 but went into natural labour in the October, anyway, we opted for an elective c-section due to previous operations. When we tried to call her emergency number, it went straight to voicemail so decided to go to the hospital ourselves. She then left me in labour for 4 hours whilst looking for an anesthetist. We found her incredibly unprofessional and when my husband came into theater, he was told he cannot see the birth of his daughter and was asked if he was a "butcher"!!!! My little one was then transferred to ICU for 10 days due a bladder infection passed on by me, which she too did not pick up! The day came for me to be discharged and I had been told the previous day, I would be discharged in the morning, at 1pm when she wasnt there, I approached the sisters in the ward and was told they are not allowed to phone her. When she eventually arrived, I was scolded like a naughty child and was told that I owe her an apology!! Anyway, never went back for my 6 week check-up!!!!
I had ONE consultation with Dr Green, where she said I had a 5cm diameter fibroid, and she recommended a total hysterectomy. Except, when she opened me up - she found Stage FOUR Endometriosis. I feel she shouldn't have been surprised by this - she should have known what she was going in for before the op! Then she sends me home from the hospital with three instructions: 1) No sex for 6 weeks. 2) Don't pick up anything heavier than 5Kg. 3) Clean the incision 3 times a day with surgical spirits and dry it with a hairdryer. Everything I know about this procedure and the recovery process - I had to GOOGLE!! She then left for her December holiday, stating that she had left a locum to take her cases should I need medical assistance. Back home (with over the counter pain medication!!) I had a bleed that worried me - so I phone the locum to find out if it's normal, or if it's something I need to go to the emergency room for. He refused to even take my call! Said I needed to go to Emergency if I wanted to see him. Wouldn't even tell me if it warranted going to the ER!! Also, in hospital, I had a couple of injections administered in my right arm which caused an adverse reaction - pain and lameness in my whole shoulder. When I tried to point this out to Dr Green - she was dismissive. My pain meds had to be taken every 6 hours, but by the 5,5 hour mark - I was already in tears from the pain IN MY SHOULDER! The reaction to the injections caused me more pain and misery than the Total Abdominal Hysterectomy! I resent that I have to go back to Dr Green for my 6 week checkup! I resent having to pay her one more cent for her total lack of interest in my welfare. She couldn't be less bothered if she tried.
Some of her standard procedures are not standard for medical aids so she just does them, medical aid does not pay because they require a motivation which is fair and duh. After writing a motivation she charges us R165.00 for the motivation because the dr needs to charge you for the 1min she spent signing the paper, didn't pay it now attorney summons to pay it back. all beware
Went to Dr B Green because we were battling to fall pregnant, she was great in the beginning. I referred her to my friends, she made me feel comfortable with everything and seemed caring and understanding. She booked me in for a D&C and to have endriomesis removed, when i was in theatre it was the scariest thing, i was treated like an object and nothing explained, I laid there half naked with the light on me, she didn't say a word to me. 2 weeks after the operation I phoned to speak to her and the receptionist said, "The Doctor does not speak on the phone", so i had to ask the receptionist to ask her how long do i need to wait before sexual intercourse and if it was normal that i had not started my period. The receptionist said i needed to wait 6 weeks till intercourse and that the doctor has suggested i go for a blood test with regard to no period. The Saturday I went for the blood test, and the test came out positive for pregnancy. I was over joyed because we had been battling... but realised I was pregnant before the operation and went through the D&C and removal of endriomesis... A miracle indeed.
So the pregnancy visits started and all the blood tests for HIV, etc. she sent us for blood tests and didn't us an option. The last test she sent me for was the Down Syndrome test, take note i was only 25 years old. If there are any problems her receptionist will phone me on Friday to come in... that Friday I got the call... I was devastated. I asked to speak to Dr Green and that was refused. I asked to come in immediately and was told, they will only see me on Monday. I have never experienced such sadness, my heart was literally broken and i couldn't stop crying. Someone i worked with dropped me off at home, i was in such a state. I tried to calm down because i knew that the stress wasn't good for my baby. Luckily we had the weekend to do research, and decide what our next step was. Monday came and Dr Green told us she is booking me in for Amniocentesis, my husband replied with no you wont... because it is a high risk procedure. She wasn't impressed and made us sign a paper in my file after a lecture. Then she told us the blood test is not a hundred percent right and that if it comes out negative there is still a chance of down syndrome... WHY ARE WE DOING THESE TESTS IF THEY ARE NOT 100% ACCURATE?!
I stressed through out my pregnancy and didn't enjoy it, the way i should have because she had made me do this test.
We carried on going to the scans with her and our baby looked hundreds, i asked Dr Green if all is ok, and she said he is healthy all measurements were good... She completely forgot about everything she had said to us. They can apparently pick up down syndrome when measuring baby's neck in the scans. When we reminded her she then referred us to another doctor for further scans, which we just ignored because we had made a decision. But the least she could have done is put our minds at ease.
Anyways i was due in April 2013 and she luckily went away on holiday during this time, i went to Dr Magaritov while she was away, he had to do an emergency C-Section because my blood pressure was quite high and i was retaining a lot of water. When we went into theatre, Dr Magaritov asked how i was, he was so caring, he held my hands while they did the epidural. I was shocked at how amazing he was compared to what i experienced when i went for the D&C. I was really impressed with him and i am blessed that he was there for the birth.
My son was born on the 2nd of April 2013, and he is perfect.
After her holiday she phoned me (Yes!!! she literally spoke over the phone for the first time) to book my 6 week check up with her, which i didn't.
I saw Dr Beulah Green since the beginning of my pregnancy: I am now 19 weeks pregnant. I have had 5 scans and all looked to be fine and healthy. At 17 weeks I phoned her offices to enquire about pains I had in my stomach. It felt like gastro pains. I was told by her "nurse" that it is period pains. The pains carried on, and on Saturday I decided to go into Arwyp hospital's casualties. They admitted me for gastro because those were the symptoms I was having. After a weekend stay and still no improvement the gynaecologist decided to send me for a scan (she did not think it necessary because I told her I have had 5 scans with Dr Green and everything was fine) The scan then revealed that I have a 8cm x 5cm Fibroid Tumour at the top of my uterus. The gynae from Arwyp told me that she cannot believe that Dr Beulah Green did not pick it up on any of the scans! Needless to say I won’t be going back to her.
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