Review of Dr Beulah Emelyne Green

In October 2016 I had my first born son with Dr B Green, she also seemed very nice - I insisted from day 1 that I met with her that I wanted natural, I do feel that if a doctor does not want to perform natural birth that they should be honest from the start and send us packing to someone whom is willing to. first pregnancy and I was very inexperienced but let me tell you this doctor changed my life and not in a good way - I refused to have a scheduled C-section which she was pushing me for and in actual fact forcing me in to - I went into natural labour , refused any pain relief. My pregnancy was a healthy one, no issues with blood pressure, or any other medical issues, my baby was growing beautifully, and I was flourishing in my pregnancy, it is suppose to be a beautiful experience, calm, and lovely, I was in labour right through the night without a sight of this doctor, the nurses were keeping their eyes on me and my can I say what lovely nurses Roseacres clinic has got, I had the best night shift nurse - absolutely lovely and then even going into the day - Dr Bueller pitched up at her time in the morning, very moody and very unhelpful - she asked me to push waaaay before I needed to and then decided to call an emergency C-section because my babies head was too big- I knew no better, the nurses left me and did not preg me for another hour whilst labour progressed further and suddenly the onset of what felt like a push feeling - by which time I heard Dr Bueller screaming at them to get me in emergency, they gave me my epidural and bam no more pain, did the c-sec but I was right there - I pushed and at the last minute buckled because of pain and fear - sometimes I believe the nurses where looking out for me and tried to give me more time to push but I didn't know what was going on and I had no guidance. A C-section is major surgery at the end of the day and really truly should not be performed unless absolutely necessary. What comes with natural birth is only good for both baby and mom - the post partum was a major one for me, I had gone through so much only to have gone through an emergency C-section at the end because my doctor said so and I know it was uncalled for, it all has to do with money with Dr Green and fitting into her schedule, that is not how child birth should be - you cause damage to people and you change their lives because of decisions you make - its devastating. I will never go back to Dr GReen again although the clinic themselves were lovely and the nurses unit was incredible this women will not see me or ever be referred to by me either. Thank god my little boy is ok because she also put him at risk by not assisting my delivery to her full extent, we put our trust in these people and they only care for themselves after all. Honest opinion if you ever have to go through surgery etc because she suggests it get a second opinion because this one is all about making money. At least I still have all my parts and we are alive but never remove anything or take her word for it!!!Best advise i can give about this doctor. If ever the nurses read this Id just like to say Thank you, i wish i could remember your names so i could thank you for what you did for me

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