Review of Dr Beulah Emelyne Green

I had ONE consultation with Dr Green, where she said I had a 5cm diameter fibroid, and she recommended a total hysterectomy. Except, when she opened me up - she found Stage FOUR Endometriosis. I feel she shouldn't have been surprised by this - she should have known what she was going in for before the op! Then she sends me home from the hospital with three instructions: 1) No sex for 6 weeks. 2) Don't pick up anything heavier than 5Kg. 3) Clean the incision 3 times a day with surgical spirits and dry it with a hairdryer. Everything I know about this procedure and the recovery process - I had to GOOGLE!! She then left for her December holiday, stating that she had left a locum to take her cases should I need medical assistance. Back home (with over the counter pain medication!!) I had a bleed that worried me - so I phone the locum to find out if it's normal, or if it's something I need to go to the emergency room for. He refused to even take my call! Said I needed to go to Emergency if I wanted to see him. Wouldn't even tell me if it warranted going to the ER!! Also, in hospital, I had a couple of injections administered in my right arm which caused an adverse reaction - pain and lameness in my whole shoulder. When I tried to point this out to Dr Green - she was dismissive. My pain meds had to be taken every 6 hours, but by the 5,5 hour mark - I was already in tears from the pain IN MY SHOULDER! The reaction to the injections caused me more pain and misery than the Total Abdominal Hysterectomy! I resent that I have to go back to Dr Green for my 6 week checkup! I resent having to pay her one more cent for her total lack of interest in my welfare. She couldn't be less bothered if she tried.

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