Cool Boost Systems

About the product
Cool Boost Systems Water-Methanol Injection Kit's main purpose is to suppress detonation caused by high temperature and pressure that has developed in the combustion chamber when the effective compression ratio has been taken beyond the auto-ignition point, by either a turbo, supercharger or high compression pistons.
Compressed air is heated air that causes a reduction of power and increases the likelihood of detonation.
Cool Boost System's kits helps lessen any reduction of power while also increasing fuel economy by instantly cooling the compressed air in the boost pipes before the throttle body and also in the combustion chambers during ignition.
Because Water and Methanol have a very high latent heat content, it is extremely effective for controlling not only the onset of detonation but also the production of oxides of nitrogen in modern lean burning engines.
Methanol, with its 116 octane high flash points and specific gravity, helps further reduce the chances of pre-detonation and acts as a fuel itself in the combustion chamber.
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