Car Sales

Car Sales
About the product
Instant cash in your hand for your car is the surest, quickest way of getting rid of your current car and driving your new car as soon as possible .

No need for driving around from one dealer to the next to try and get the best price for your car… all you need to do is email us a description as detailed below, and we’ll come to you to evaluate your car at your home or work where we’ll make you a offer right there on the spot.

What’s more, we have all the systems in place to handle all the paperwork and legal requirements instantly so that we can even sign and seal the deal right there and then, giving you the money the moment you’re ready to hand over the car’s keys.

Requirements: email us the following information and we’ll respond with a call to follow up as soon as we receive the email.
Car Make:
Any damage:
R10000 - R100000
Contact with supplier