Wooden Venetian Blinds

Wooden Venetian Blinds
About the product
Abachi Wood Venetian Blinds
The best of both worlds, this high quality abachi wood is a lighter weight and more resistant than basswood.
Available in 50mm and 70mm slat sizes.

Basswood Venetian Blinds
Basswood is a fine straight grained wood with an even texture.
Blinds made from this this genuine wood have a protective coating.
Avoid high humidity areas as this may cause the wood to warp.

Wood Alloy and Plaswood Venetian Blinds
These blinds are made from a genuine wood mixed with a plastic polymer.
Blinds in wood alloy are resistant to fairly high humidities.
Plaswood blinds are water resistant as they are made from a plastic replica of wood.
R1000-R2000 /m²
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