Bizerba Scale SCII 7" advertising Display

About the product
... Boost sales with Visual Merchandising ...
Equipped with a customer supplied 7 inch screen (option), SC II scales display full-screen and long-term advertising. When the PLU is started, additional information, product images or additional purchasing information (cross-selling) can also be displayed on the customer screen. Contents can be loaded very easily, e.g. from a USB stick, over the Ethernet by manual distribution (FTP) or by using Bizerba .RetailImpact software.
Advertise your offers to specific target groups

The scale can store 12 advertising lists for 12 months with any number of images (1 to 99). In serving breaks, the full screen is free to display adverts (full-screen advertising). While serving, the advertising area is reduced automatically (long-term advertising).

Full-screen advertising

Images in jpg and bmp file formats are suitable for full-screen and long-term advertising. The images are adapted automatically to the scale’s screen resolution. This reliably avoids any impairment to scale functions (journal, data backup, updates, etc.), since the scale has enough memory capacity for advertising at all times.
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