Escape the rental trap

About the product
You get a personal homeownership consultant to answer all your questions so that you can buy with confidence

A free assessment of your credit profile and qualifying affordability to help you determine your readiness to purchase a home. We will also help you decide the best way to improve your financial profile where necessary

Online affordability calculators are only accurate about 30% of the time because they don’t take your actual expenditure and current debt profile into account. We achieve 80% bond approval rates because we do a detailed assessment of your income and expenditure. In this way we can determine the actual value of the home you can afford before you go house hunting

Our unique buying programme is designed to get estate agents and developers in your chosen area to present their best offerings to you. This puts you in a position to find that home that matches your needs at the right price

A review of the legal purchase documentation before you sign ensures that your interests are looked after

On a R 1 million loan a 1% difference in interest rate will cost you an additional R 166 000 so it is critical to get the right deal upfront. We apply for a home loan on your behalf and negotiate the best mortgage deal and monthly payment arrangement for you

We advise you on the requirements to meet all the transfer conditions so you avoid the pitfalls that could cause you to lose money or even your new home
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