LM Berea grass

LM Berea grass
About the product
Lm Berea has a reputation for the highest shade tolerance out of all the species. LM is also the most popular choice for gardens in South Africa because of its prominent darker green colour which does not easily turn yellow in continuous wet and rainy conditions when there is not much sun for photosynthesis.

It grows best in shady and semi-shade conditions and performs well in full sun as well. LM grass is commonly known as "shade grass". When planted in full sun, it might need a little more water on extremely hot days.

LM grass has a creeping growth habit that is much less invasive than Kikuyu. It will not invade your flower beds and paving aggressively as Kikuyu does and needs to be trimmed less often in such places. It also does not grow very tall when not cut often but rather forms a thick carpet. LM grass is relatively heat tolerant and can recover from drought and heat stress in a short time.
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