I avoid the Cardies in Canal Walk at all costs as the service in this store is not just poor but shocking.

I was in the store a few months ago and wanted to purchase a SPCA bracelet.
The two girls at the till were arguing as the girl who was trying to help me was disrupting the cashing up.

I had no choice, last week, but to visit this store as I had limited time to shop around and needed a birthday card.
The one girl was sitting on the floor, legs straight in from of her, wide open and chewing gum and not discreetly, mouth wide open. I have no idea what she was doing there as she was not unpacking any stock.

I found the card and approached the counter. She finally got up from the floor, continuing to chew to ring up my sale, having a loud conversation with her colleague, who was on the other side of the shop.

When I made a comment, both looked shocked.
From their reaction I can only surmise that they have had very little training.

As I understand, Cardies certainly does not have the monopoly it used to as there are many competitors out there that now sell similar products.

The only reason, as it is certainly not the price, anyone would visit these stores would be to have a good experience, friendly professional staff.

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