Reviews of Dr Beulah Emelyne Green - Germiston

Here you will find reviews about Dr Beulah Emelyne Green. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
17 Reviews
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I was happy with Dr Green during my pregnancy, I had booked my c-section for November 2014 but went into natural labour in the October, anyway, we opted for an elective c-section due to previous operations. When we tried to call her emergency number, it went straight to voicemail so decided to go to the hospital ourselves. She then left me in labour for 4 hours whilst looking for an anesthetist. We found her incredibly unprofessional and when my husband came into theater, he was told he cannot see the birth of his daughter and was asked if he was a "butcher"!!!! My little one was then transferred to ICU for 10 days due a bladder infection passed on by me, which she too did not pick up! The day came for me to be discharged and I had been told the previous day, I would be discharged in the morning, at 1pm when she wasnt there, I approached the sisters in the ward and was told they are not allowed to phone her. When she eventually arrived, I was scolded like a naughty child and was told that I owe her an apology!! Anyway, never went back for my 6 week check-up!!!!
I had ONE consultation with Dr Green, where she said I had a 5cm diameter fibroid, and she recommended a total hysterectomy. Except, when she opened me up - she found Stage FOUR Endometriosis. I feel she shouldn't have been surprised by this - she should have known what she was going in for before the op! Then she sends me home from the hospital with three instructions: 1) No sex for 6 weeks. 2) Don't pick up anything heavier than 5Kg. 3) Clean the incision 3 times a day with surgical spirits and dry it with a hairdryer. Everything I know about this procedure and the recovery process - I had to GOOGLE!! She then left for her December holiday, stating that she had left a locum to take her cases should I need medical assistance. Back home (with over the counter pain medication!!) I had a bleed that worried me - so I phone the locum to find out if it's normal, or if it's something I need to go to the emergency room for. He refused to even take my call! Said I needed to go to Emergency if I wanted to see him. Wouldn't even tell me if it warranted going to the ER!! Also, in hospital, I had a couple of injections administered in my right arm which caused an adverse reaction - pain and lameness in my whole shoulder. When I tried to point this out to Dr Green - she was dismissive. My pain meds had to be taken every 6 hours, but by the 5,5 hour mark - I was already in tears from the pain IN MY SHOULDER! The reaction to the injections caused me more pain and misery than the Total Abdominal Hysterectomy! I resent that I have to go back to Dr Green for my 6 week checkup! I resent having to pay her one more cent for her total lack of interest in my welfare. She couldn't be less bothered if she tried.
Some of her standard procedures are not standard for medical aids so she just does them, medical aid does not pay because they require a motivation which is fair and duh. After writing a motivation she charges us R165.00 for the motivation because the dr needs to charge you for the 1min she spent signing the paper, didn't pay it now attorney summons to pay it back. all beware
Went to Dr B Green because we were battling to fall pregnant, she was great in the beginning. I referred her to my friends, she made me feel comfortable with everything and seemed caring and understanding. She booked me in for a D&C and to have endriomesis removed, when i was in theatre it was the scariest thing, i was treated like an object and nothing explained, I laid there half naked with the light on me, she didn't say a word to me. 2 weeks after the operation I phoned to speak to her and the receptionist said, "The Doctor does not speak on the phone", so i had to ask the receptionist to ask her how long do i need to wait before sexual intercourse and if it was normal that i had not started my period. The receptionist said i needed to wait 6 weeks till intercourse and that the doctor has suggested i go for a blood test with regard to no period. The Saturday I went for the blood test, and the test came out positive for pregnancy. I was over joyed because we had been battling... but realised I was pregnant before the operation and went through the D&C and removal of endriomesis... A miracle indeed.
So the pregnancy visits started and all the blood tests for HIV, etc. she sent us for blood tests and didn't us an option. The last test she sent me for was the Down Syndrome test, take note i was only 25 years old. If there are any problems her receptionist will phone me on Friday to come in... that Friday I got the call... I was devastated. I asked to speak to Dr Green and that was refused. I asked to come in immediately and was told, they will only see me on Monday. I have never experienced such sadness, my heart was literally broken and i couldn't stop crying. Someone i worked with dropped me off at home, i was in such a state. I tried to calm down because i knew that the stress wasn't good for my baby. Luckily we had the weekend to do research, and decide what our next step was. Monday came and Dr Green told us she is booking me in for Amniocentesis, my husband replied with no you wont... because it is a high risk procedure. She wasn't impressed and made us sign a paper in my file after a lecture. Then she told us the blood test is not a hundred percent right and that if it comes out negative there is still a chance of down syndrome... WHY ARE WE DOING THESE TESTS IF THEY ARE NOT 100% ACCURATE?!
I stressed through out my pregnancy and didn't enjoy it, the way i should have because she had made me do this test.
We carried on going to the scans with her and our baby looked hundreds, i asked Dr Green if all is ok, and she said he is healthy all measurements were good... She completely forgot about everything she had said to us. They can apparently pick up down syndrome when measuring baby's neck in the scans. When we reminded her she then referred us to another doctor for further scans, which we just ignored because we had made a decision. But the least she could have done is put our minds at ease.
Anyways i was due in April 2013 and she luckily went away on holiday during this time, i went to Dr Magaritov while she was away, he had to do an emergency C-Section because my blood pressure was quite high and i was retaining a lot of water. When we went into theatre, Dr Magaritov asked how i was, he was so caring, he held my hands while they did the epidural. I was shocked at how amazing he was compared to what i experienced when i went for the D&C. I was really impressed with him and i am blessed that he was there for the birth.
My son was born on the 2nd of April 2013, and he is perfect.
After her holiday she phoned me (Yes!!! she literally spoke over the phone for the first time) to book my 6 week check up with her, which i didn't.
I saw Dr Beulah Green since the beginning of my pregnancy: I am now 19 weeks pregnant. I have had 5 scans and all looked to be fine and healthy. At 17 weeks I phoned her offices to enquire about pains I had in my stomach. It felt like gastro pains. I was told by her "nurse" that it is period pains. The pains carried on, and on Saturday I decided to go into Arwyp hospital's casualties. They admitted me for gastro because those were the symptoms I was having. After a weekend stay and still no improvement the gynaecologist decided to send me for a scan (she did not think it necessary because I told her I have had 5 scans with Dr Green and everything was fine) The scan then revealed that I have a 8cm x 5cm Fibroid Tumour at the top of my uterus. The gynae from Arwyp told me that she cannot believe that Dr Beulah Green did not pick it up on any of the scans! Needless to say I won’t be going back to her.
My sister was consulting Dr Green and his daughter whom I presume is Doctor Beulah Emelyne Green during her first pregnancy in 2013 and early 2014. Unfortunately, my sister and her child both passed away on the 1st of February 2014. My family and my sister's husband have not received any condolences from the doctors. A full investigation will follow in due course.
This is shocking - My sister's baby also died under Dr. Green just a few months after your sister in Roseacres. Long story short - No one wanted to really beleive she is in labour and also did no one wanted to come out in the night - Baby born dead.
Good Day, please can you advise what has happened in this case. My daughter has also just had a stillborn under Dr Green. It seems these pages are full of horrible treatment by both father and daughter.

In January 2016, a young girl by the name of Claudette van der Merwe died giving birth at Roseacres - also under the care of Dr Beulah Green.

In December 2017 my daughter in law nearly died from Pre-eclamsia - she saw Dr Green the day before and was told that high blood pressure is normal. Dr Green was coincidently leaving for holiday that day. I cant believe this woman is still allowed to practice
that should say December 2015
My little Angel was also stillborn in the useless care of Dr B Green.
21 April 2017
Dr Green came across as very professional person at my first visit things wants wrong after surgery and I was blamed although I could hardly move. Had a 2cm hole in my scare. Staples coming out my wound and to top it off got a incisional hernia and when I went to her she said it was all normal. Went to a general surgeon he did a hernia repair as looked like I had balls like a man. One year on I still have a huge bulge and need plastic surgery to fix it. I went to sort out my endometriosis not to be scared for life as I cannot wear any clothes I used to love to wear.

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