Questions & Answers for JIVANNADI CHRISTIAN - Durban

Here you will find questions & answers for JIVANNADI CHRISTIAN. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
I am a single parent and i live with my family.i was fooled by my partner.i am all alone with my 6 month baby.i was asked to leave because i am not contributing to the house.i am unemployed with no income.i don't know what to do.i am homeless and in desperate need of a place to stay until i get a job and be on my feet.i really appreciate it if u could please help me.i have no option.this is my last resort.i am using a friends phone to get in touch with you.awaiting your reply
Wanted to know if I could do feeding there
How do I get accomadations at the place to stay?

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