To Libcare Medical Scheme
I was a previous employee of Libery med scheme and was a member of the closed scheme Libcare medical aid. I cannot complain about Libcare as the benefits and service was brilliant. I left the employment of LIberty end of nov 2012 and subsequently resigned from Libcare med scheme. I was advised I owe R1500 in savings and agreed to make 3 payments of R500 in settlement of the above debt. I loaded Libcare as a beneficiary on my bank account and paid the 3 instalments not necessarily following each other but first payment was jan 2013 with the reference number ******** (my medical aid number) which they have a record of. When the account was settled in full i removed Libcare as a beneficiary as i didnt require it anymore. Libcare now after 3 years has handed me over for this payment. Libcare can only locate 1 payment made by me in Jan2013 and I am baffled how this can happen and I have enquired about the legality of the threats and was advised this is not allowed. A company cannot after 3 years demand payment and hand someone over if you have not issued the person with a summons in the past 3 years and if the only recorded payment was 3 years ago.
I have tried to get proof from the bank to confirm my payments and was advised it costs R52.00 per page as i cannot remember the exact dates of the payments. The bank is unable to track the specific individual records as I removed Libcare as a beneficiary. This can be verified with Standard bank on my service request logged reference numbers ******** and ********
My question is how does companies get away with blackening your credit record because they did not do their job properly and only follows up on payments 3 years later.

I am very disappointed in Libcare and the latest threat from their debt collectors Ergometrix debt recovery consultants, to list me with the credit bureau and take out a judgement which will be on my name for 5 years which is totally appalling.

How does Libcare realise 3 years later I have not allocated payments for this member and maybe she never paid us.
In reality you should have a report on outstanding debt which is drawn monthly and contact the member as the hassle would be less for the person to still have proof of payment rather than 3 years later.
I am so upset and truly believe Libcare's accounts dept should be held responsible for not following up immediately with me if a debt was still outstanding and not realise after 3 years and then harass and threaten a previous loyal member daily for proof of settlement of an old account. My credit record is clear as I am not in the habit of not settling my debts and likewise to my knowledge has settled my debt with Libcare.

As with all my previous communication with Libcare nothing will come of the above and I will probably be listed with the credit bureau through no fault of my own but I am so frustrated and needed to let other Libcare members know if a company's accounts dept dont do their job properly you as the member will end up paying the price possibly twice.

Shanaaz Maker
021 466 3087

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