Review of Sameer's Caterers

Hi Sameer and team

Firstly every girl dreams of having her fairytale wedding,and that's what I thought I would be getting since you guys are so professional.we had meetings,emails were sent out when we came in to pay deposit we sat and spoke you had an idea and pics to show you exactly what we wanted and you assured us we had nothing to worry about.

When I walked in from an excited bride my face changed into a small girl who could not hold back her tears cause she could not get a lolly pop, only difference is the small girl can always get a lolly pop unfortunately for me I can not get married again,the hall looked like a complete cheap set up what I asked for and what you guys did does not even look the same,the centre pieces were pathetic the main décor one part the cloth fell and there was a table at the back showing.

Sameers mum called and told me that the hall does not allow them to drape from the ceiling and that the air con units are broken,I did research myself and checked the hall allows them to drape it was just they were busy setting up 5 other halls that they could not buy another ladder to use at the venue I choose,it shows that my wedding was not that important to them for her to lie, I am just as important as other customers cause I have paid you guys to do an excellent job,what I don't understand is how can you say that the front is too small that's why you could not fit in statues if that was the case why didn't you tell me 11 months ago could someone not call me and I would of told you what to do cause your stupidity did not pay for this,The hall looked like I paid R6000 for a job that's not even close to that have turned my whole wedding day into a nightmare and I will never forgive Sameers Caterers,no words can ever make me fell better and remember my wedding day to be the most significant day in my life.

Tank you Sameers Caterers

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