Review of In Tune Health and Beauty


Made appointment for consultation for Colonics at Intune without even being advised of consultation fee of R300.00 before confirming appointment. Then being told what I already know and Ruth trying to sell a me bunch of herbal supplements that can be purchased for less than half the price at DisChem! Subsequently wanting to book me in for 5 colonics which I did not agree to. Was actually interested in the treatment ( as explained on the phone prior to appointment) to see if it will work for me and first of all establish if the procedure is actually safe!
Receptionists are sloppy, overweight and terribly presented and then had the nerve to back chat me when questioning the ridiculous consultation fee I wasnt even advised about before confirming the appointment! On top of it being questioned with " Well What were you expecting??" What kind of service or attitude is this to potential clients? As a client I should actually 'expect' what I came for.
If you are running a health clinic such as this, please do look the part ( not one person there looked the picture of health to me) and act the part and especially dont come with some eccentric ******** of the 'elements' and talk **** to customers to make a buck!

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