Review Lancewood Cheese -

Review for:

Lancewood Cheese -
On Friday the 16th of April bought Lancewood Cheddar Cheese which I do on a regular basis
when it is marked down to R 89.99. I check my P n Pay's cash slips on a regular basis... many so called errors.
Now I spoke to a lady named Barbara over the phone, who they said is the supervisor, she was most rude over the phone and said I need
to go in and speak to the customer service at the front desk.
I thought I would phone first to check the prize before I waste my time going in, the same thing happened before and I got a decent friendly person who
said that they had not updated the Cash Machine to the new price and I need to go in for a refund
This rude lady Barbara, put the phone down in my ear, when I called again they transferred the call to a Moza which was even worse than Barbara...
I dont need to deal with such ill mannered staff... I have my own business for 25 years and am disgusted with the managerial staff at P n Pay
In fact they do not mention their name when they take the call.. It only pulls us down further into the name of Junk Country... so it is..

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