Review Complaint

Dear Principal,
I am very disappointed from the way your pupils are uprooting the plants at my gate. I stay at no.4 Akasia opposite your school fields, I am trying with endless efforts to put up a flowerbed at my gate but your pupils keep walking into and uprooting plants from my garden. Who honestly in their right mind would such a despicable act, what kind of pupils are you raising and I even wonder the kind of society in the future if we are raising children with such unacceptable behavior.
Apparently it's a white boy by the name Rhougan (spelling could be wrong), if he has a problem with my garden can he please come speak to me directly other than uprooting my plants from the garden.
Initially I had 4 plants bought from Cash builders he uprooted the 2 in the middle and I only got 2 left. This has been happening since last year and I even walked to your reception with one of the uprooted plants. No action was taken.
Just this morning he uprooted a demarcation I had put to avoid stepping over the flower bad or walking into it. Does he realize this is out of school bounds and its private property? I am very very disappointed by your pupils. I don't mind them sitting on the grass waiting for transport littering the place but uprooting my plants is highly unacceptable.

Must I go to Kempton Express then?


Mrs Melania Makuwerere.

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