Review Account Enquiry - Mrs. M. Claassen: cellular # 078 377 1333

Review for:

Account Enquiry - Mrs. M. Claassen: cellular # 078 377 1333
Dear GloCell Consultant

I am writing you on behalf of my mother, Mrs. M Claassen, an eighty-two year old pensioner, who has never had an account with your company. The cellular number provided in the subject title line is hers and has always been a prepaid number.

For the past few months, she has been receiving sms’s stating that her account is in arrears; this type of messaging is tantamount to harassment and is completely unacceptable. This is supposition on my part, however, I am of the opinion that the accountholder with you, did this transaction fraudulently.

Please provide me with evidentiary proof of my mother’s contract signed with you! When this was entered into and where you store is located. Upon receipt of this documentation (which we maintain cannot exist unless fraudulently acquired), we shall further pursue this matter.

T. Claassen

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