Questions & Answers for APMI Holdings Ltd - Midrand

Here you will find questions & answers for APMI Holdings Ltd. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
I have shares in the company bought 2005/6. So I just want to know how do I access them and how do I go about the selling process?
Good day sir/madam
According to my records, I am a shareholder in this company since 2006 and have the confirmation certificate from Stratequity where I bought the shares.
Since then there is no communication. What should I do?
According to my records, I am a shareholder in this company since 2007. The confirmation certificate is from Stratequity, that's were I bought the shares. There is no update since then, where do i start to resuscitate this situation.When im trying to get answers the response that i get those shares were suspended.
How is this company worth?
According to my records, I am a shareholder in this company since 2016. The confirmation certificate is from Stratequity, that's were I bought the shares. There is no update since then, where do i start to resuscitate this situation.
I wanted to ask if the company is listed in JSE and if so what is their short name so I can search for it via my online broker because I am interested in it

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