Questions & Answers for Tshwane Firearm Training & Security Services - Johannesburg

Here you will find questions & answers for Tshwane Firearm Training & Security Services. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
Hi! I did fire arm with you in 2004. So I want to know how much is fire arm competency for business purpose. Rifle and hand gun?
How much can I pay for grades e to c ? And also fire arm competency for short gun and handgun?
How much is handgun and rifle?
Hi.i dîd firearm training with you now the problem i lost my cerţificates can you help with the print out if yės how much the cost?
I did handgun last time and now i want to add all type of gun so how much will cost
How much full training of hand gun including certificate?
I have a certificate with how can i geg a statement of results.and how can i get a new certificate
How much a handgun training?

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