Questions & Answers for Truthfinders

Here you will find questions & answers for Truthfinders. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
I need to find a person's details?
I am human
I am searching for a person. What must I do?
Armani Alberto Alessandro does he stay in Edenvale? Address please?.
We looking for Stephen Verity in connection of Aneta Verity its his mom she pass away the 15th of April We struggle to get hold of him since 22nd January that she's been admitted to hospital.
How valentines day started
My biological fathers name is Khaled omar I have never met him. He is about 40+ years old. He came from the congo. He used to run a restaurant with the name cleo patras den and was on Top billing back in 2002. the restaurant was in sandton. please help me
Looking for Robert Adonis .was pupil at Chaple st school in 1956
Im looking for anthony almano that use to live in heathfield and if he is still alive
Looking for bennie olivier who lived in brixton in the 1980's
Do I have a criminal record
Want to know if Nokukhanya Biyela is married
Just wanted to know if Isaac Nkululeko Radebe is remarried as yet? to whom?

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