Questions & Answers for Sanlam Investment Management - Bellville

Here you will find questions & answers for Sanlam Investment Management. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
If I invest R 3000 for 10 months a year how much will I have at the end of 4 years
If I can invest R******** how much will I get at the end of the year and also how much is the interest per month?
I'm a student I have R2000, can I invest it at sanlam?
How much do I have to invest and how much will I get as interest?
How much do I have to invest and how much will I get as interest?
How much will i get in a year..if I invest r2000 for two years
How much I have to invest and how much will get as interest?

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