Questions & Answers for NALEDI HEALTH CARE CC - Welkom

Here you will find questions & answers for NALEDI HEALTH CARE CC. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
What is needed for me to register at your Clinic with a medical aid if I'm one of the references/beneficiaries in the medical aid?
Do you have scan for head?
Can my wife get treatment for STI?
Do you have any gynaecologist available there and if there is can I have their contact details
Can i have the best medicine for my allergy too much itchy and swollen
Can i have a sonar for the gender test? Am 22 weeks pregnant
How much is consultation fee
How much does it cost for consultation of children
I would like to find out if i can have my tonsils removed by your doctors. Am a male aged 30.
What do you close during the weeek?

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