Questions & Answers for Isidingo Technical College - Benoni

Here you will find questions & answers for Isidingo Technical College. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
Do you have grade 12 subjects for 2019?
Do you have a plumbing corse and practical
Hi i have matric and failed maths in 2008 and would like to study electrician can i bridge mathematics
Hi I would like to ask that do you offer office administration and if so how much does it cost??..
Do you offer trade test for electrical engineering
My question is i'm matriculated an dont have science but I want to persue a Career in electrical engineering.can the campus take me in as to enroll in the campus.
Do you have a course for fashion design
I passed my matric but idid't have mathematics and science in my studies but iwant to do engineering can i get help to your college
I'm in matric so I want to do nursing there I don't know if you have it or not
Im a matriculated stundent who wishes to persue engineering studies,my problem is that I didnt take mathematic & science in my question is that,will I be still enrolled in the institution for above mantioned career?
Can I please ask that do you still take those who wants to re-write metric for July and if so when can register?

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