Questions & Answers for CAPITAL COLLEGE - Pretoria

Here you will find questions & answers for CAPITAL COLLEGE. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
I need to get my matrick certificate, how do I go about this?
Hi there, I need to obtain my matric certificate from you, how do I go about this? I did matric in 1987,
My son has completed his A level matric abroad with IT, Physics and Maths. He needs Chemistry as a requirement to apply at Tuks to study chemical engineering. Is it possible that he can study on chemistry through your college??? If so, how long will it take - a year? Can he apply for only chemistry or is it compulsory that he have to take other subjects as well?
What is the best route to follow to get proof that I attended and completed matric year at Capital College

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