Questions & Answers for MARY-GRACE AMBULANCE ACADEMY - Pretoria

Here you will find questions & answers for MARY-GRACE AMBULANCE ACADEMY. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
Hi How do I apply and what are the requirements for this collage
How should a student pass his or her grade 12 and do you look at grade 11 report?
Hi I would like to know if the college has a branch in Pretoria, how much is the cause,
Is Mary Grace Ambulance Academy still operating in Mthatha
Is Mary Grace Academy still opened in Mthatha?
How many months is the full course?
How much does it cost for a full course?
Is the accommodation included in the full course money ?
Is the Academy a private or public collage?
Are there any bursaries offered?
Is Mary grace academy abundance in mtata still operating?

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