Questions & Answers for EDEN CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES - Bloemfontein

Here you will find questions & answers for EDEN CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
My sister is an out-patient of Oranje Psychiatric hospital for the past three years. She is suffering from Bipolar depression and an epileptic disorder which makes it difficult for her to cope on her own. Presently, she is in the care of Athalia Tehuis in Wilgehof, but were asked to leave at the end of this month. She has a husband and 6 year old son who has been enrolled for 2016 at Jim Fouche and are urgently in need of accommodation where she will be monitored. Would you be able to assist or can you perhaps refer me to someone who would be able to provide accommodation for them?

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