Reviews of GATS TOUR OPERATORS - Pretoria

Here you will find reviews about GATS TOUR OPERATORS. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
2 Reviews
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They are Thieves
Tania Lhotsky, the Director of this company is a THIEF AND A LIAR!! She stole R150k from me and has yet to pay it back. Booked a trip to Cancun in December 2017, paid her in full in July 2017 and when we arrived at our destination, were told that I needed to pay for my accommodation as only $2 was paid to reserve the room.
She continuously lies and is a parasite to society!!
Scam, Horrendous
Horrendous. I booked with them for a trip to Mauritius in March 2017. Should have never imagined the trauma i was going to go through. The trip was during the school holidays in July. A day before we traveled, I got a call from the Director Tania and she indicated that our trip has been cancelled and there was nothing she could do. She then advice that we move the trip to September 2017 which i agreed and again came September the trip never materialised. I opted for a refund which i was informed it would take another 8 weeks to get back and come the 8 weeks no refund came. To date on 23 November 2017 i have not received a cent of the R74k i paid them. I drive to their offices as listed in their website, which does not exist and i was told, oops we moved.
have you been paid yet?