Questions & Answers for DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION & TRAINING - Mafikeng

Here you will find questions & answers for DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION & TRAINING. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
Good day I will like to know that if I have the level in electrical and I want to have my matric so how will you help me to get matric certificate
Good day,

I've been looking forward to speak to you about the situation that is happening within my community, it's almost a month parents sitting with kids not attending and that concern me alot we stay in mafikeng Dithakong where the school is setuated and the name of the school is tiego tawana middle school, the question is why those chased at school?
How do I know that my collage is registerd?
I would like to know the procedure of obtaining transcript. I studied at Thaba Nchu college in 1998.

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