Questions & Answers for MAKO INSTITUTE - Vereeniging

Here you will find questions & answers for MAKO INSTITUTE. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
How do I register and how much is needed
How do i register for nursing and how much is needed, and when is the closing date
Ancillary nursing where do your students do practcals
I would like to study Nursing bt i want to know the qualifications?
Does it offes policing
I want to study fire fighting at Mako Institute,does it offer any emergency courses or it offers different course the one I need?
I would like to study Counselling how do I apply and how much does it cost?
Where do i get the forms to register to do nursing and how much is needed from me and when is the closing date
How do I register with you for the nursing course,how much is needed and how long does the course take?

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